Sunday, August 25, 2013


Self Confidence this is something that everyone should have but lets be honest we all do not. This is because of all the horrible things that tear people down and just ruin lives. Take me for example I have very low self esteem. There are days where i do not even look at myself in the mirror. I know that sounds bad but i am working on it. I have been trying for so long to figure out what i did wrong to make people treat me so badly. Well let me tell you something I have recently had someone come into my life. This person is perfection in my eyes. I know no body is perfect blah blah. You can say that but to be honest at one point in your life or another you have found someone that you can't describe them any other way then perfect!! I know that i am always talking about  how i am feeling but hey its my blog.

I really would like to say a few things so i am just going to say them. I think that people need to be more passionate and loving towards one another. There is no reason why they should judge one another or look down upon anyone. Guess what we all bleed the same. I know some people are less fortunate then others but so what. Who cares. That's  like people look down on other people that are poor. Seriously  I have lived both lives and to be honest i would rather not have money at all. A lot of people just can't live with out money. Well I say give me a card board box and someone that loves me and i love back and i would be completely happy. I do not see the point of loving money so much. Yes it is  necessity you do need money for food and a roof over your head but why does it have to be the biggest house or the most expensive food. I would like to know. I mean when if comes down to it i am  a person who likes to save. Not because i am poor and not because i like money no. I like to save because it makes me feel good to be able to get what i need and have money left over.
Another thing that just gets me going every time is clothes. They are all the same to me i do not care if you get them from walmart or American eagle. I do not give a rats ass what you are wearing just as long as it covers you. Also modesty what ever happen to leaving a little to the imagination. Im sorry but i think your shorts should be longer then your crotch. That  and i am pretty sure they made shirts to cover your tits not let them hang out everywhere. Women wear stuff like that and then complain that men are gawking at them well duh that is what is going to happen. Another thing if you are a heavy set person but clothes that fit. Because nobody and i do mean nobody wants to see your stuff just hanging over and out. It is just not flattering. I know this is pretty much a rant but what  ever i enjoy saying whats on my mind. Younger people these days I swear have you seen those shorts they sell at the store now days its like underwear pretty much and parents what message do you think that is sending to the children. Hmmm i wonder. People wonder how come we have all these teenagers now days getting pregnant at like 12 well gee PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!!
Also learn to spank your children i am not saying beat the crap out of them or anything i am just say spank them. If they cry abuse let them because kids now days do not even know what abuse is. When your child does something bad and you  award them for it what kind of person is that going to make them in the long run?? Those are the people who end up bullying others because they are not really truly happy about who they  are or what is going on in there lives. I'm just saying the more you spoil the child the more issues they are going to have. Well i guess i am done ranting. Thanks for reading
Quote of the Day: It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”
–E.E. Cummings