Thursday, April 25, 2013

Once again in my life i have been disappointed. I am not going to give up. I feel like it i wish i could lay in bed and cry all day long but i have a life i need to live. I am going to keep going and eventually i will stop crying myself to sleep and move on. Let me tell you i have loved a lot in my life and gotten hurt several times. With that known i have never stopped loving. Love is a crucial part of life. Everyone comes into your life for a reason. Let me tell you when you get your heart broken time and time again yes it does make you want to give up. Yes it does hurt but eventually we as people need to realize that sometimes people come into our lives and  we may fall in love with them sometimes things just don't work out. I have been handed a lot of pain in my life. Looking back on the times that i shared with those people that have hurt me i want to thank them because honestly they made me the person i am. They taught me things that i needed to learn. I have decided that i want to be friends with this man that hurt me because even just being his friend will make me happy. Now am i ready to admit that to him no because i am still very hurt. I will still keep working on myself and keep bettering myself. I am not going to give into the demons in my life. Honestly i wish i could say it doesn't hurt but i can't. I am not able to tell you how to deal with your relationships and heartaches because we all have to deal with them in our own way. I am here to tell you about my attitude and how i feel about myself because this is my blog and i can let everyone know what i feel.. So Here i go. I am a smart beautiful person inside and out. I love with all i have and hurt with all i have. When i put my heart into something its all the way in not half way. I think that more people should love this way. I know we all have our own demons. I was told once that part of having those demons is to have someone there to help you get them under control. It is true i may not have a boyfriend but i have my friends and family and they support me. I am thankful for everyone that does support me and push me to do things that are right in my life. I encourage you to find someone that believes in you and never let them go because you are always going to need that positive in your life. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Life Getting you down??

Live everyday to the fullest do not look back on things that you can not change. Alot of people that read this will probably think well thats easy for her  to say.  Actually it's probably one of the hardest things for me to say just for the fact is that i just recently decided to do this. I am going to live life to its fullest and if the people in my life do not like that or understand that. I would most likely tell them to deal with it its my life and i lost me a long time ago and its time for me to find me again. I encourage you to do the same thing if you lost who you are spend some time alone decide to find you again do something that makes you happy don't worry about others just you. Sometimes it is good just to take some time for you and if your loved ones don't support you in what you decide to do. Sit down and have a talk with them tell them that they are not the only ones that need you. You also need you.
Laugh as much as you can. Make other people laugh. Laughing should be a part of everyones life and unfortanately its not. Smiling does not happen alot these days either. So please i encourage you to next time you see someone that looks like they could use a friend or just someone to say hello or even just a smile to lift their spirits up just smile and maybe stop say hello and share a laugh together. You never know who you could meet or who's life you can change if you never try. Laugh as often as you can because fun and laughter is a wonderful gift that we should have as much as we like.

Well i think this ones is self explanitory. We should try to learn something new each day. Learning should be one of the easy parts of life. I understand that it's not though. It takes time and understanding sometimes. It takes facing fear, being angry, shedding tears, admitting your at fault and wearing your heart on your sleeve sometimes. Which brings me to my last point.
Love and let yourself be loved. I know its hard. I have had my fair share of pain and dissapointment in my life. Alot of people say they don't know how i wear my heart on my sleeve even going through what i have. Well its like this love needs to be shared with everyone. Even those who might have hurt you the most. Those people have things in their lives that might be worse then they can handle and need the love and understanding  from someone. I have loved and i have lost and i also have loved and gained. I have so much love to give because thats who i am . I always want to help and always want my loved ones that i love them and i am here when ever they need me. With out love i think that life wouldn't be the same. Love is what keeps alot of people going in hard times. Loving to me is living.
To some it all up take chances and love hard  and laugh more and try to learn as much as you can because you only get one life and you need to live it!!!