Tuesday, March 12, 2013


      I have made a new goal for myself. I am overweight actually what the doctors call obese. I have decided to dance away these extra pounds that i don't need. I will say this dancing gives me that extra boost i need. I have manic depression and take medicine for it and it helps but dancing really gives me joy. Also singing and writing poetry. Anyways back to dancing i choose to dance to latin dance songs because i love the sexi salsa feeling. It really makes you feel sexy even when you do not feel sexy at all. I  have a wonderful man in my life. Ever since he met me he tells me that i am beautiful no matter what i have looked like. He puts up with my depression and other bad habits. One thing that has really been awesome is that we are not having a sexual relationship. We have connected on a emotional and intelectual level and its fantastic. I think that other people should try it. You learn things that you never knew before and you learn how to love and respect your partner on a way deeper level. Trust me i was in a marriage that was a disaster and i was not happy at all. I felt used for sex and to be his maid. That is not what a relationship is for. You do not have to have sex to prove you love someone. I tell you ladies if you are in a relationship and are not happy get the heck out. Honestly it does you not one bit of good. I know some of you are thinking well we have kids and i want to stick it out for the kids. Trust me your children will understand someday. That actually goes for men and women both. If you have no children and are afraid to leave because your spouse is abusing and threatening you fight back. Get out while you can and start again. I do not know everything but i do know about abuse and about parental divorce. I have been there heck my real dad was not even married to my mom and was a crack addict. I have been through alot. Some people may read this and think she is crazt but honestly i am talking to those who may need the advice. Not to people who think no ones problems can be bigger then theirs trust me some people have way bigger problems then others. They may not advertise it but they do. My  real point is take care of yourself and i know alot of people may have heard this from therapists, but you have to love yourself before you can love others. Also looks are only skin deep but beauty goes much much deeper then that!!!!
Ohh yea i wanted to start doing a quote of the day so here is todays quote.

Quote: There are two types of Pain in this world: Pain that hurts you, and Pain that changes you! - Unknown

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